
Phil Sandilands

Appears in 5 Episodes

Is the Rapture Real?

Some believe that Jesus Christ will secretly gather His people up into heaven before the events of the Great Tribulation—but is this what the Bible teaches? Phil Sandi...

Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday?

Did you know that in the early days of the Church, all Christians observed the seventh-day Sabbath?  Something changed over the centuries, and it wasn’t God’s mind. He...

How Passover Became Easter

The early New Testament Church didn’t celebrate Easter. Why not—and what changed? Phil Sandilands discusses the shift from Passover (which God commanded) to Easter (wh...

What Does Repentance Mean?

Repentance plays a key role in the gospel message, but it’s also a process that human beings naturally struggle with.  Join Phil Sandilands as he asks (and answers) an...

Modern Holidays: Biblical or Pagan?

Fewer and fewer people are surprised to hear that Christmas, Easter and other popular holidays owe their existence to ancient pagan celebrations. At this point, it’s b...

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