All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 in total

Is the Devil Real?

Fewer and fewer people—Christians included—believe in a real, literal devil. Is Satan just a fairy tale? A symbol? A metaphor? The New Testament Christians and Jesus C...

Finding Hope That Never Fails

Whether we know it or not, we’re all in desperate need of HOPE. But where can we find it? More to the point, where can we find something dependable and trustworthy to ...

Four Enemies of Faith

During His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ highlighted four attributes that can damage or destroy our faith. In this episode, Clyde Kilough examines each of these four ...

Is World War 3 Coming?

Two global wars haven’t put an end to the world’s conflicts. Will it take a World War 3 before we finally stop fighting each other? What if even THAT isn’t enough? Phi...

What Is the True Gospel?

Jesus commanded His disciples to preach the gospel. But . . . what IS the gospel? Would you believe there’s more to it than the life and death of Jesus Christ? Gary Bl...

What Is Truth?

Few subjects are more hotly debated than the nature of truth. What is it? Who gets to decide? How can any of us be sure? The Bible has the answers. On this episode of ...

Why Were You Born?

Some people say it’s all part of a bigger plan. Others say it’s just blind chance. The Bible tells us that we WERE born for a reason—and it tells us what that reason I...

Is God a Trinity?

The doctrine of the Trinity—that God is three beings in one—wasn’t officially adopted by mainstream Christianity until the fourth century. How did this belief in a tri...

Is the Bible True?

No book has impacted the modern world more than the Bible. But can we trust it? Gary Black interviews Jim Franks (author of our free booklet “Is the Bible True?”) and ...

Why Can’t We Get Along?

Biosphere 2 was supposed to help us learn how to build self-contained, earthlike environments—valuable information for establishing human colonies on the moon or on Ma...

Five Reasons Jesus Must Return to Earth

The Bible doesn’t just tell us that Jesus Christ WILL one day return to the earth—it tells us why He MUST. Joel Meeker explores five reasons the Bible provides to expl...

Is the Rapture Real?

Some believe that Jesus Christ will secretly gather His people up into heaven before the events of the Great Tribulation—but is this what the Bible teaches? Phil Sandi...

Do We Go to Heaven When We Die?

The majority of Christian churches teach that when Christians die, their souls go to heaven to be with God. The Bible teaches something else entirely. Gary Black takes...

Should the Bible Make You Uncomfortable?

The Bible is filled with encouraging and uplifting passages that fill people with hope and sustain them through life’s challenges. But it also deals with difficult sub...

Who Is the Beast of Revelation?

Few prophecies have perplexed and fascinated readers of the Bible quite like the Beast described in the book of Revelation. The Beast is presented as a terrifying amal...

Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday?

Did you know that in the early days of the Church, all Christians observed the seventh-day Sabbath?  Something changed over the centuries, and it wasn’t God’s mind. He...

Is Hell Real?

Hell is real, but it might not look the way you think. An eternally burning fire where wicked nonbelievers are tormented forever—this is the image of hell that has lon...

Seven Steps to Salvation

God has a seven-step plan He’s working out to end the suffering and the strife this world experiences on a daily basis. But the plan isn’t just for the world—it’s for ...

What Is Sin?

The Bible has a lot to say about sin. On this episode of Life, Hope & Truth Presents, Joel Meeker asks and answers three questions about this important biblical concep...

How Passover Became Easter

The early New Testament Church didn’t celebrate Easter. Why not—and what changed? Phil Sandilands discusses the shift from Passover (which God commanded) to Easter (wh...

Do We Have an Immortal Soul?

Modern, mainstream Christianity teaches that our bodies die, but we live on as souls. So why does the Bible teach something else entirely?Knowing what your soul is—and...

Does Archaeology Support the Bible?

Many people believe that the Bible is a book of ancient fairy tales, written about fictious events and people who never existed. But over and over again, archaeologica...

Will There Be an End of the World?

The Bible tells us that there WILL be an end of the world. More than that, it tells us about the incredible world God will create after this one ends. In this episode ...

What Does Repentance Mean?

Repentance plays a key role in the gospel message, but it’s also a process that human beings naturally struggle with.  Join Phil Sandilands as he asks (and answers) an...

What Is Grace?

Grace is one of the most important concepts discussed in the Bible—and one of the hardest to clearly define. Join Gary Black as he discusses what grace is and the incr...

Are the 10 Commandments Relevant Today?

The 10 Commandments are ancient. How could they possibly hold any relevance for the modern world? Join James Capo as he shows why the passage of 3,500 years hasn’t dul...

Is the Bible Hate Speech?

Most of us can agree that hate speech is a problem. What most of us CAN’T agree on is what hate speech actually IS.  As the Bible and people who believe in the Bible’s...

Modern Holidays: Biblical or Pagan?

Fewer and fewer people are surprised to hear that Christmas, Easter and other popular holidays owe their existence to ancient pagan celebrations. At this point, it’s b...

What Is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus taught that seeking the Kingdom of God should be our highest priority (Matthew 6:33). But what IS the Kingdom?  In this episode of Life, Hope & Truth Presents, G...

Three Rational Proofs God Exists

Can we know God exists? Or does belief in God require blind faith?The more we learn about the universe we live in—and about ourselves—the more evidence we uncover that...

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