Joel Meeker
Appears in 7 Episodes
Why Were You Born?
Some people say it’s all part of a bigger plan. Others say it’s just blind chance. The Bible tells us that we WERE born for a reason—and it tells us what that reason I...

Five Reasons Jesus Must Return to Earth
The Bible doesn’t just tell us that Jesus Christ WILL one day return to the earth—it tells us why He MUST. Joel Meeker explores five reasons the Bible provides to expl...

Who Is the Beast of Revelation?
Few prophecies have perplexed and fascinated readers of the Bible quite like the Beast described in the book of Revelation. The Beast is presented as a terrifying amal...

What Is Sin?
The Bible has a lot to say about sin. On this episode of Life, Hope & Truth Presents, Joel Meeker asks and answers three questions about this important biblical concep...

Will There Be an End of the World?
The Bible tells us that there WILL be an end of the world. More than that, it tells us about the incredible world God will create after this one ends. In this episode ...

Is the Bible Hate Speech?
Most of us can agree that hate speech is a problem. What most of us CAN’T agree on is what hate speech actually IS. As the Bible and people who believe in the Bible’s...

Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?
The fact that evil exists in our world can make it hard to believe in a loving, all-powerful God. Why woulda good God allow His creation to suffer the way it has?To fi...