You have questions. The Bible has answers. Life, Hope & Truth Presents is a show that explores what the Bible has to say about who God is, what He’s doing, why it matters—and, of course, where we fit into it.

Why are you here? Why does God allow evil? How can we be sure He exists? What does He expect from us? How will His Kingdom transform the world? Join us every two weeks for a new episode tackling these questions and more.

Latest Episodes

Is the Devil Real?

Fewer and fewer people—Christians included—believe in a real, literal devil. Is Satan just a fairy tale? A symbol? A metaphor? The New Testament Christians and Jesus C...

Finding Hope That Never Fails

Whether we know it or not, we’re all in desperate need of HOPE. But where can we find it? More to the point, where can we find something dependable and trustworthy to ...

Four Enemies of Faith

During His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ highlighted four attributes that can damage or destroy our faith. In this episode, Clyde Kilough examines each of these four ...

Is World War 3 Coming?

Two global wars haven’t put an end to the world’s conflicts. Will it take a World War 3 before we finally stop fighting each other? What if even THAT isn’t enough? Phi...

What Is the True Gospel?

Jesus commanded His disciples to preach the gospel. But . . . what IS the gospel? Would you believe there’s more to it than the life and death of Jesus Christ? Gary Bl...

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